
If you or someone close to you is struggling with trichotillomania (also known as hair-pulling disorder), it’s important to understand that this is a mental illness, not a personal choice. Though it can be difficult to manage, there are treatments and resources available to help those suffering from trichotillomania. Bluewater Psychiatry offers psychiatric care for those dealing with this condition.

What is Trichotillomania?

Trichotillomania is an impulse control disorder characterized by an urge to pull out one’s own hair from any part of the body, including the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, beard, arms, legs and pubic area. It is estimated that about 2% of adults suffer from it in the United States alone. The severity of the condition can vary greatly from person to person — some may pull out only a few strands of hair, while others may pull out large clumps at once. Symptoms usually start during childhood or adolescence, but can occur in adulthood as well.

Treatment Options

The first step in treating trichotillomania is identifying what triggers the hair pulling, and then avoiding or managing those triggers if possible. Common treatment options include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and habit reversal training (HRT). CBT helps individuals identify negative thought patterns related to their behavior and replace them with positive ones, while HRT focuses on developing skills such as relaxation techniques and self-awareness. In addition, family counseling can be helpful for those caring for someone with trichotillomania since it can reduce stress levels within the family unit. In extreme cases where other treatments have been unsuccessful, medications such as antidepressants have been found effective in relieving symptoms of trichotillomania as well.

Bluewater Psychiatry Offers Care for Trichotillomania

At Bluewater Psychiatry we understand that dealing with a mental illness like trichotillomania can be overwhelming and isolating. Our team of psychiatrists offer compassionate care tailored to your individual needs and situation so you can get back on track towards living a happier life free from symptom management concerns. We offer both individual sessions and group therapy, so you can find support among other individuals dealing with trichotillomania, too. No matter what stage of recovery you are in, we are here to help you get back on track towards living your best life!

Trichotillomania is a serious mental illness that requires proper diagnosis and treatment in order to manage symptoms successfully. If you or someone close to you struggles with this condition, please know that there are resources available that will provide the necessary support needed for recovery. Bluewater Psychiatry specializes in providing compassionate care tailored specifically for those dealing with trichotillomania—whether through individual therapy sessions or group therapy—to help individuals take charge of their lives again without fear or stigma associated with mental illness getting in the way.