
An anxiety attack can be a terrifying experience. It’s that feeling of sheer panic, when your heart races, your chest tightens, your palms sweat, and you feel like you’re suffocating. But are anxiety attacks harmless?  Let’s explore this question in more detail and improve our anxiety awareness.

What is an Anxiety Attack?

Anxiety attacks are sudden episodes of intense fear or feelings of doom that can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. They can occur at any time and without warning, and they are often accompanied by physical symptoms such as rapid breathing, racing heart rate, sweating, dizziness, chest pain, nausea and trembling. Most people who have experienced an anxiety attack will describe it as overwhelming and almost paralyzing in its intensity.

Anxiety attacks can be triggered by anything from stress to a traumatic event or even something seemingly innocuous like seeing an old friend. The important thing to remember is that anxiety attacks are not dangerous in themselves – they may cause discomfort but they cannot physically harm you.

Anxiety Awareness

That being said, it’s important to be aware of the impact that anxiety attacks can have on mental health if left untreated. When anxious thoughts become persistent or chronic, it can lead to depression or other mental health conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This is why it is so important to seek help if you are having frequent or particularly intense episodes of anxiety – there are many treatments available that can help reduce the frequency and severity of these episodes.

It is also important to remember that anxiety attacks do not necessarily indicate a serious mental illness – they could just be a sign of stress or another minor issue that can easily be addressed with professional help. Therefore if you experience periodic bouts of severe anxiety it is worth seeking advice from a qualified healthcare professional who will be able to advise on the best course of treatment for your individual situation.

Contact Bluewater Psychiatry

If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety attacks and the impact they can have on mental health, it’s important to seek help. At Bluewater Psychiatry, our team of mental health professionals work to provide individualized treatment plans tailored to the unique needs and personal goals of each patient we serve.