Social anxiety, is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by an intense fear of being judged, embarrassed, or humiliated in social situations. For those living with social anxiety, everyday activities like...
Mood disorders are a common mental health condition that affect millions of people worldwide. They encompass a range of disorders that impact an individual’s emotional state, often causing significant distress and impairing daily functioning. As a leading...
Performance anxiety, also known as stage fright, is a type of anxiety that occurs when someone is expected to perform in front of an audience or take part in an activity that is being evaluated by others. This can include things like public speaking, playing an...
As college students, it’s common to feel overwhelmed by academic and social pressures. However, in recent years, the college stress by students has reached unprecedented levels. The American Psychological Association (APA) reports that college students today are...
An anxiety attack can be a terrifying experience. It’s that feeling of sheer panic, when your heart races, your chest tightens, your palms sweat, and you feel like you’re suffocating. But are anxiety attacks harmless? Let’s explore this question in more detail and...
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) can be a disabling mental illness that affects 1 in 40 adults. OCD is characterized by obsessive thoughts and intrusive compulsions, which can have a profound effect on daily life. This blog post will discuss what OCD looks like,...