
The New Year is a time of renewal, when we look forward to a clean slate and the opportunity to create positive change in our lives. For those coping with depression, this can be a daunting task. The fatigue and apathy that accompanies depression can make it hard to even imagine how life could be different, let alone set goals and take steps towards making it happen. But there are ways to cope with depression while still setting goals for the New Year and paving a path towards life improvement. 

Start Small 

When dealing with depression, it’s important to start small when setting goals. Start by focusing on one goal at a time – such as going outside once a week or meal prepping once a week – and build from there. It’s also important to remember that progress doesn’t always have to be linear; some days will be better than others, but that doesn’t mean you’re not making progress overall. The important thing is to focus on building momentum as you go and celebrating every small victory along the way. 

Change Your Inner Dialog 

Your thoughts have an immense impact on your mental health, so it’s important to address any negative self-talk or unhelpful beliefs you may have about yourself. An easy way of doing this is by thinking of yourself as if you were speaking to someone else – say, your favorite pet – and fill the conversation with love, compassion, and understanding. This can help foster feelings of self-compassion and acceptance rather than judgement or criticism. 

Seek Support When Necessary 

Sometimes it’s just not possible for us to manage our symptoms alone; seeking out support from qualified professionals can be immensely beneficial in helping us through difficult times. Professional services such as counseling or medication management can provide additional support while allowing individuals coping with depression an opportunity for increased self-awareness and control over their life improvement journey.  

With the right attitude and approach, anyone living with depression can set achievable goals for themselves this coming year – no matter how big or small they may seem at first glance! Remember that progress isn’t linear; celebrate every success along the way no matter how big or small they may appear in the moment. Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed; professional services such as counseling or medication management can provide invaluable support during challenging times. Wishing everyone living with depression all the best this coming year!