June is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month—a time dedicated to addressing the distinct mental health challenges that men often face. Despite higher rates of depression, suicide, and substance abuse compared to women, men are significantly less likely to seek...
At Bluewater Psychiatry, our commitment to mental health extends beyond traditional approaches—leading us to explore innovative treatments like ketamine infusion therapy. As champions of evidence-based care, we find it crucial to address common misconceptions...
In the journey to prioritize your mental health, the importance of finding the right therapist cannot be overstated. Your therapist will play a pivotal role in your mental well-being, and it’s crucial to make an informed decision. In this blog, we’ll...
Whether you’re caring for a loved one or working as a professional caregiver, looking after someone with an injury, illness, or disability can both a rewarding and exhausting undertaking. More and more caregivers are reporting symptoms of stress that come from such a...
Struggling with a mental illness like bipolar disorder can be a debilitating ordeal. Not to mention, figuring out the right combination of treatment options to subdue its symptoms can sometimes feel as mysterious as the disorder itself. But ketamine therapy is proving...